Discover How to Attract Paying Clients Via Your Content.

Be Book Out In 90 Days Without Spending All Of Your Time On Content Marketing.

Posting Content That Actually Converts Shouldn’t Feel Like Rocket Science. Let Me Make It Simple To Implement A Content Strategy To Magnetize Clients.

Not all content lands the same way. I know you’ve already experienced this!

Let’s make sure that next time you’re posting something, it is a strategically crafted piece of content to help your ideal client hire you!

Putting yourself out for the world to judge you on a public platform like social media is very hard for an introvert. It doesn’t help that each of these social media channels has its own learning curve that feels like a job in itself to keep up with. 

If you’re like me, I bet you’ve felt creating content is exhausting. You get stuck on both what you should be posting and when you should post it. When you do sit down to create content, your brain feels more scattered than composed.

So many things are vying for attention that at the end of the day dropping content creation feels like a load off your back. You could blame it on laziness or procrastination but that isn’t the real culprit here.

The real reason you aren’t able to create content consistently is that it takes up a lot of your time and it doesn’t immediately convert into clients.

If you’re like me, then you have bought or opted-in to download those 150+ content ideas and prompts. Are they still sitting in their dusty untouched folder because they could barely elicit a complete thought from you?

The real problem here is that none of those downloads or the lengthy content-related masterclasses lay out the content creation process as a strategy that is designed to work for you. 

You can, over time, get better at creating content. That is absolutely possible, but for that process to work you will have to continue to create content consistently NOW! And be willing to spend months if not years where your content isn’t getting much attention. Forget converting strangers into clients.

Honestly, if you’re not publishing content consistently then you are not marketing consistently.

When you’re not marketing consistently your ideal clients have no reason to believe that you’re in business. Or that you are a reliable person to help them.

If you want to leverage organic marketing then publishing content consistently is key!

And if you struggle with creating content then you’re giving up marketing any time life throws a curveball.

In this course, I not only help you understand how to create content that is designed to convert strangers into clients. But I also help you overcome the struggle of batching content and making sales via content marketing.


Persuasive Content Strategy For Introverts.

Your Definitive Guide To Converting Strangers Into Clients In As Little As 90 Days.

This isn’t yet another course you’ll file away. It is a 6-module metamorphosis in your content marketing…
From publishing rudimentary content to marketing like a CEO.

You understand how to make this course work for you by identifying the way to implement a content marketing strategy for your business.​

You learn how to get visible to your ideal clients by finding out what they want to hear from you.​

You determine how to cultivate and nurture a community of your ideal clients so you can start building a wait-list for your services.

You establish yourself as an expert and a leader so that your ideal clients look to you for help.​

You master the way to get your ideal clients to say yes to you over and over again every time you have something to offer.

Your content publishing schedule for maximum impact and conversion.​

Your email marketing sequence for phenomenal experience so that they always stay connected with you.​

Mercy Profile Picture


Virtual Assistant

Before I took the ‘Leverage Content Marketing and Get Booked Out in 90 Days’ course, I was stuck in a never ending cycle of what to post. This course gave me the direction and push I needed to believe in my offer and I have to say, it was one of the best decision I made when it comes to my content marketing journey. As someone who struggled with my content direction and consistently attracting clients and growing my business, this course was exactly what I needed to take my marketing efforts to the next level.
The course was incredibly comprehensive and covered everything from creating a content strategy to building a loyal following and converting leads into paying clients. The actionable insights provided in the course that I could immediately apply to my business was a game changer 
One of the things I loved most about the course was the emphasis on creating high-quality, valuable content that resonates with my target audience and believing that you have the best offer out there. I learned how to craft compelling content that gets me noticed.
Thanks to this course, I’ve been able to grow my audience, increase my visibility, and attract  clients than before.
Overall, I would highly recommend the ‘Leverage Content Marketing and Get Booked Out in 90 Days’ course to anyone looking to take their business to the next level. It’s a game-changer!

So what’s waiting for you when you enroll?

Detailed Video training and workbooks to help you design a journey to take strangers and convert them into clients. 

School was never this fun or exciting because the results weren’t as juicy!

Module 1 – Guarantee Your Success With This Course

Understanding what it means to create a journey for your ideal client to go through and how to implement it strategically. This is going to make the biggest difference in your content going forward.

Module 2 – Get Noticed by Your Ideal Clients

Let’s identify the specific Content Ideas that will Help Your Ideal Clients start Noticing you and pay attention to you on their social media feed.

Module 3 – Transform Followers Into Superfans

Discover how to nurture a sense of community in your audience so that they want to be a part of your FB group & follow you on all social media channels.

Module 4 – Become Impactful & Influential

Learn The Secrets to Being Seen as an Authority By Your Target Audience so that you can create an impact on more lives.

Module 5 – Content to Cha-ching

Master how to help your audience say yes to you over and over again whether you offer them something for free or paid.

Module 6 – Workbook Walkthrough

I walk you through the entire workbook so you have a clear understanding of how to use the prompts and questions to create the most impactful content.

How much is the investment you ask??

If you hired a social media manager to help you with content you would be spending at least $800 per month for a few pieces of content, copy, and graphics. And I have a feeling that the quality of their copy is going to be nowhere near as effective or strategic even if they do thorough competitor research.

Not because they aren’t skilled at research but because they cannot build the same authentic connection as you can. And they definitely do not know your ideal clients as best as you do. I am saying this not as the creator of this course but as the business coach who has seen many women doubt their ability to know and understand their ideal clients by themselves.

This course is regularly priced at $997. But you can get access to it for just $497 right now!

I am an introvert myself. I know the struggle of not knowing how to have a consistent social media presence so that my ideal clients can know, like, and trust me enough to buy from me. This course is the answer that would’ve saved me years of struggle, and years of feeling incompetent as a business owner because I couldn’t conveniently post pictures of myself or be on stories all day.

I usually only share this process with my coaching clients. But because I know how valuable it is for all my introverted friends I’ve chosen to price this course for $497 for now!

You read that right! The investment, for now, to get instant access to Leverage Content to Get Booked Out is ONLY $497!!

Enroll in Leverage Content to Get Booked Out Now!

And because I truly want you to get booked out in 90 days I’m offering you additional support with the following bonus modules!

Bonus 1 – Leveraging Content As A Funnel

A walkthrough of how you can implement the most effective sales funnel using the content strategy we mapped out in the previous modules. 

This bonus alone makes the investment worthwhile but I have more

Bonus 2 – Social Media Content Batching Session

To help you map out 4 weeks’ worth of content in a couple of hours. Realize your dream of batching and scheduling your monthly content. Utilize the time you save in taking on additional clients. Or better, take your kids to the museum more often as you’ve always wanted to.

Convinced that this is the best bonus ever? Wait.. there’s more

Bonus 3 – Email Marketing Batching Session

Batch create a 50-day email sequence that is sure to sell your paid offer to the people who opt into your freebie. Time to check off “Create an email series”

So, Let’s recap!

That makes everything you get worth over $2500! ($2540 to be exact)

It’s time to make the decision! 

Do you want to keep trying to figure out new ways to answer “What do I post today?” Do you want to keep wondering what makes the people you follow always motivated to post content that obviously is attracting clients to them? Do you want to continue to doubt your ability to run a successful business?


Do you want to have strategic content planned and scheduled every 4 weeks? Do you want to spend the rest of your time working on client tasks, booking coffee chats to add referral partners, and spending time with family and friends? Do you want to add additional sources of income so that you don’t have all your eggs in one basket?

Enroll in the course now to put your content struggles in the past and manage your time better.

But you have to decide now!

Have questions?

Product based businesses. This can be adapted to products based businesses but I speak to service providers throughout the course content. Even my examples are designed for their benefit.

For someone looking for specific social media-related information – like how to be successful on LinkedIn or how to be seen with reels. Or what are the best times to post to social media? Or algorithm hacks etc. This course talks about strategy beyond algorithms. It helps you reach your ideal client by posting content that they want to see. The algorithm will work in your favor with this strategy but only if you stay consistent in your posting schedule.

Someone who has no clue what their business is about. You must know what service you provide, how it transforms your clients’ lives, and who is best suited to get the transformation.

This course can definitely set you up to create consistent content. It will also help you understand your ideal clients better. But it will take you a little longer than 30 days to start seeing results.

Not because this course won’t work but mainly because I know that you’re going to tread lightly due to the simple fact that being on social media may not be natural to you. I understand how uncertain this online business space can feel for someone completely new. But if this is a pivot and you already have experience with other businesses then this course is perfect for you.

However, if you have no clue what your offer is, who your ideal clients are and what platforms you want to leverage for organic content marketing then this course can’t help you with that.

Feel free to send me an email for further inquiries. My address is [email protected]

You absolutely can! This course will help you get both an email list and a growing following. That is the bigger purpose of this course. But what good is a following or an email list that won’t convert? You implement the strategy shared in this course and see how the community you grow and nurture starts to bring in clients.

It should take you no more than a week to go through it all at an average pace where you don’t spend every working hour on this course! But before you try to implement this process please go through the course once. You can listen to the audio only at first.

I have answers...

The course is designed to help you get a clear understanding of the content strategy specifically formulated for your ideal clients. However, I am also providing 3 bonuses that you can go through and implement within a couple of days if you’re a seasoned business owner with a very clear understanding of your ideal client.

100%. I’m an introvert myself and I use this course to plan and publish my content. The great thing about this course is that it isn’t relying on you or your personality only. It is geared toward your ideal clients so most of the content will be crafted to connect with them.

Since you will be the one creating this content and we want your ideal client to get to know you as who you are, you will be sprinkling your personality. Mainly you will be talking from a professional point of view. But you have the option to get as vulnerable as you feel comfortable.

You will get instant access to the entire course material on enrollment.

Since this is a digital product you do not have the option to apply for a refund after you get access to the course. You can read about the terms here.

Is there any support available after purchasing this course?

Yes, you can always email me with any questions and I’ll personally respond to you. Send an email to [email protected] and you’ll get a response within 7 working days.

Hey there! Nice to meet you!!

I’m Seema, a homeschooling mom of 2 and a business coach for introverted women. As an introvert who has overcome anxiety related to showing up on social media I help my clients figure out strategies that they can use to show up, promote their services & serve their clients while being their authentic self.

It is my mission to guide introverted women become self-aware and feel excited about getting visible so that they can fulfil their mission and thrive as an introverted entrepreneur.


Copyright © Seema Pateel